Here is how to get free VIP rank on yCat.

Follow these steps correctly and enjoy your rank!

After doing the steps you must create a ticket in the discord server to claim your reward

Have patience as I am one person and also has a life

You can get free VIP rank in 1 way.


#1: Using Polaris

If you already use Polaris and haven't used a refferal code yet, follow from step 2. If you have already used a code then make sure you have 300 credits in your account and follow step 4.

Step 1: Login using discord

Go to and click the login using discord button. Login into discord and follow the next step.

Step 2: Navigate to the Refferals tab.

Click on Refferals in the sidebar. If you cant, use this link:

Step 3: Enter my refferal code and submit

Enter my refferal code in the input and click on the submit button. My refferal code should be displayed below.